From the deepest darkest depths of the the constillation Andromeda, Surgious halo a alien hybrid, was sent to earth to destroy
low density life forms who partake in rap music. Disguised as a chain smoking, alcohalic, he has only one purpose! to have sex with teenage girls...
wait?..thats not it...saving hip hop... i guess two purposes.. some say he has a microphone made out of watter. and he hasent slept in 20 years.
if you have never heard of this gutter drunk alien before, your probaly on the right path, yet your probaly going to die
in the next ten minutes. He looks forward to selling out to the mainstream for a large amount of money, yea and he also looks forword to 99 cent
chicken tuesdays at popeyes. so i guess you never know do you? stay tuned.................. UNDERGROUND!

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