Welcome To Instantkakashi's Channel
I upload official titantrons and official themes for both WWE and TNA. I also upload custom titantrons.
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Q: What program do you use?
A: Sony Vegas
Q: How do you get your logo on your videos?
A: youtube.com/watc...
Q: Why don't you have (insert theme or titantron here) uploaded?
A: Most of the time it is because of the fact that WWE has not released it yet; for older titantrons that are not on my channel please go here: www.mediafire.com/wr...
Q: What program did you use to make your background?
A: Adobe Photoshop CS4
Q: How can I make a background like yours?
A: youtube.com/watc...
Q: Where do you get the pictures for your background?
A: Google Search