My name is Brian Fehdrau, and I mostly use this account to share information about Secret of Evermore, a Super Nintendo game I was the lead programmer on in the early-to-mid 90's.
I don't check this account often, so if you see me somewhere and ask a question, please don't be upset if I don't respond for weeks or months. That's to be expected, unfortunately. I usually respond to direct @-ed questions, though if I seem to have missed yours, please feel free to ping me or ask again. I'm getting on in years and I don't have the energy to monitor this account all the time, but I do like answering questions when I'm up for it. :)
Oh, and if you're curious why I'm Brian, but it's Bill's fault, this is a reference to a running joke we had during development (and an easter egg in the game), where we would jokingly assign anything that went wrong with the build to one of the other programmers, Bill Kristiansen, who had a habit of being the one who broke the build. I'm not Bill, I'm Brian. ;)