E師少負氣節,沉厚寡言。天資敏悟,強記樂傳,尤好《Skrillex》及《Daft Punk》而啟發電音之路。習樂於YouTube / Google。沉思三秋,覓得人生真道,悟出《中E》哲理。《中E》囊括中西思想以及中國南方一小漁港之意識形態,盼攜思想衝擊予大眾。

Yip Yiu Kwan aka 中E師 is a Hong Kong-based musician and producer. His music combines layers of renovating electronic sounds and beats production. Through digital manipulation of authentic beats and sampling elements, his work blended traditional electronic music with contemporary sonic content accompanied by a hint of oriental touch. He has worked with multiple local artists in music production as well as live DJ performances.

Yip recently released his debut EP 中E Chinese Ecstasy which embodies the ideology and culture of Hong Kong and the concept of east meets west.