Hey everybody! Welcome to my channel....Kitty Street. Here you will find me out slaying various online websites (TEMU) / stores (especially $ TREE!) searching for the BEST deals and spreading the good news to ya'll.

If you enjoy un-boxings, taste tests, honest reviews, crafts, cooking & home organization –plus tons of Hauls on purchases I got for Dirt Cheap… Then you found the right place!

I also do shorts of my grandson ❤️& my English mastiff, SHURLEE. As well as Vlogging of my every day life & adventures!

So sit back and join me as I bring my everyday shopping deals & chaos 🤣right to your screen. See ya'll real soon!


I would love to hear from you.
Kitty Street
PO Box 512
Jonesboro, Ga. 30237


Instagram ~ kittystreetxxl

Tic Toc~ www.tiktok.com/@kittystreet17

Facebook ~ Kitty Street
