Hello there. My name is Bean; yes, just like coffee bean, pinto bean, string bean, et cetera. I currently live in Dallas, Texas and was born in Fort Worth, Texas. 20 years ago I was introduced to the world and I have two incredible parents to thank for dealing with my shenanigans throughout the years.. I got my first guitar from a sweet lady a few years back and as it sat beneath a collection of dust in the corner of my room for nearly a year, I decided one day late January, 2011 to pick it up. And. From that moment, I have never stopped. I was so intrigued by this crafty piece of wood that created such beautiful sounds that I wanted to discover as much as I could... granted I still have so much to learn since I've been playing for roughly two years now.
Thank you so much for stopping by love. Always follow your dreams no matter who tells you what. Follow your heart.
Love Always,
Shared 9 years ago
Shared 10 years ago
Shared 11 years ago