Hey, how's it going? I'm Jimmy Davis. I make bizarre videos known as "YouTube Poops", which are a sort of mash up/remix type of video involving editing pre-existing material.

I always read every single comment that I receive, and I do my best to reply to as many as I can.

Jimmy Davis

Here's how I made all the Weegee sprites for my Condiment Quest entry. I started by making a (not particularly good) 3D model of Weegee, I'd animate/render the model, crush it down to the proper resolution & color palette of the original Weegee sprites, and then make any necessary modifications 1 frame at a time. As you can see in this side-by-side example, the face in particular required a lot of reworking, but even still it was a hell of a lot easier than just drawing it entirely from scratch.

Also included here as a bonus is a sheet of all the original Weegee sprites I made for the video. Feel free to use them however you'd like.

4 days ago | [YT] | 1,177

Jimmy Davis

In case you missed it because you still haven't subscribed to NDMytp, I participated in a huge story-based King Harkinian & Michael Rosen YTP collab that released yesterday. If you've ever wondered what a YTP movie might look like, this is it. Definitely give it a watch as soon as you find the time (it's almost 2 hours long).
I'm working on a stand-alone version of my entry that I can post here, so you can expect that out sometime by the end of the weekend. More than half of it will be new content not featured in the collab, so you'll be getting something new out of it even if you've already seen the collab.


1 week ago (edited) | [YT] | 666

Jimmy Davis

It is the year of le Weegee

4 weeks ago | [YT] | 1,509

Jimmy Davis

I've learned how to turn my 3D model of Weegee into brand new Weegee sprites. I don't yet know what all I'll do with this newfound power, but I'll be sure to not let it go to waste.

1 month ago | [YT] | 1,046

Jimmy Davis

I've been trying (and failing) to get onto YIAY for close to 9 years. Feels good to finally make it.

1 month ago | [YT] | 532

Jimmy Davis

This is my favorite out-of-context Garfield panel. Kinda surprised it never became a meme.

1 month ago | [YT] | 818

Jimmy Davis

This is pretty different from my typical content so I'm not sure if anyone'll be interested in it, but I recently got to join in a game of Gartic Phone with a 6 other actual animators. I feel I'm a bit out of place here given that I'd never personally call myself a real animator, plus I was the only one still using a mouse instead of a tablet, but I don't think I brought the quality down too much. I at least had fun.

Whether or not you care about the specific video, this is also just a general recommendation for the channel itself. Again, very different videos from what you'd see on my channel, but it's definitely worth checking out if you want some more laid-back animation videos.

2 months ago | [YT] | 96

Jimmy Davis

I can never not see these

3 months ago | [YT] | 453

Jimmy Davis

Turns out you don't actually need to remind people to subscribe in every video upload. People seem perfectly capable of figuring that out all on their own.

6 months ago | [YT] | 1,465

Jimmy Davis

I should have a new video out this weekend. It's not a YTP, but I think you'll probably enjoy it regardless. I started work on it almost 3 months ago thinking it'd be a project that I could churn out in a weekend, but it's taking just a little bit longer than anticipated.
Once it's finished I can finally get back to work on my other YTP projects that I talked about in my last update video.

7 months ago | [YT] | 301