Dan Savage is a writer and activist most known for his sex advice column "Savage Love." His weekly column "Savage Love" and his podcast "Savage Lovecast" can be found at his website Savage.Love, the home for his content and readers.

Send your sex and relationship question to Dan at questions@savagelove.net.
Record your voicemail for the Savage Lovecast and attach it to a message to q@savage.love.

Dan is the co-founder of the It Gets Better Project and the author of: "American Savage: Insights, Slights, and Fights on Faith, Sex, Love, and Politics;" "The Commitment: Love, Sex, Marriage and My Family;" "Skipping Towards Gomorrah: The Seven Deadly Sins and the Pursuit of Happiness in America," and more. His writing has appeared in The New York Times, The New York Times Magazine, Forbes, Travel and Leisure, Rolling Stone, and more. Dan has made frequent guest appearances on CNN, MSNBC, MTV, VH1, and Real Time with Bill Maher.


Shared 55 years ago