This channel is for education purposes.
8 videos
Differentiation of Algebraic functions Diploma |Diploma differentiation of algebraic functions | Diploma math | Polytechnic math|Diploma | Polytechnic
12 videos
Functions and their limits Diploma maths | Functions and their limits Polytechnic maths | Functions and limits | Diploma maths | Polytechnic maths
2 videos
Wave Motion and its Applications | Wave motion and its applications Diploma | Wave motion and its applications polytechnic |Applied physics 2| Diploma
5 videos
The Point Co-ordinate geometry Diploma maths | Co-ordinate geometry The Point Diploma/Polytechnic maths | Diploma math | Polytechnic math
Addition and Subtraction formulae diploma maths | addition and subtraction formulae polytechnic maths | Diploma trigonometry |Polytechnic trigonometry
9 videos
Angle and its measurement | Angle and its measurement Diploma | Angle and its measurement polytechnic |trigonometry Diploma | polytechnic trigonometry
3 videos
Force and motion | force and motion applied physics | force and motion diploma | force and motion polytechnic | Diploma force and motion | polytechnic
6 videos
Determinants | Determinants Diploma math | Determinants Polytechnic math | Determinants Diploma | Determinants Polytechnic |Diploma math |Polytechnic
Permutations and Combinations | Diploma math | Polytechnic math | Permutation and Combination | permutation & combination | Diploma | polytechnic
11 videos
Binomial Theorem | binomial theorem diploma | binomial theorem polytechnic | diploma maths | polytechnic maths | diploma maths | polytechnic maths
7 videos
Partial Fractions | Diploma partial fractions | Partial fractions polytechnic | Polytechnic maths | Partial fraction | Diploma math |Polytechnic math
Logarithms | logarithm diploma | logarithm polytechnic | diploma maths | polytechnic maths | diploma Ist year maths | polytechnic Ist year maths |math
39 videos
Integrals | class 12 maths | class 12 maths chapter 7 | integration class 12 | class 12 integration | class 12 integrals | Indefinite integrals
16 videos
Complex numbers |Diploma maths | polytechnic maths | Diploma first year maths |polytechnic first year maths | complex numbers diploma|complex numbers
Reasoning tricks
10 videos
Indefinite Integral | Diploma maths | Polytechnic maths | Indefinite integral diploma maths | diploma math indefinite integral | diploma
Applications of integration diploma maths | applications of integration diploma math | applications of integration | diploma math | polytechnic maths
4 videos
Definite integrals diploma | definite integrals diploma maths | example problems definite integrals diploma maths | definite integration | polytechnic
Definite integral diploma maths | diploma maths definite integral | definite integral diploma math | definite integral polytechnic maths
Applications of differentiation diploma maths | applications of differentiation polytechnic maths | polytechnic maths| diploma maths |diploma
14 videos
Successive differentiation diploma, polytechnic maths | successive differentiation diploma maths | successive differentiation polytechnic maths
Differentiation of logarithmic and exponential functions
Applied physics 1 | diploma applied physics |polytechnic applied physics | units measurements | diploma applied physics chapter |units and measurement
Cbse board previous years solved question papers class 10 | class 10 solved question papers | cbse solved question papers | previous years papers
22 videos
permutations and combinations diploma/polytechnic maths first year|psbte ,hsbte | permutations | combinations| factorial |diploma maths|polytechnic
26 videos
Class 11 previous years question papers
Functions and their limits | Diploma maths | polytechnic maths | applied maths | diploma math | diploma math in hindi | polytechnic math in hindi
logarithms | Diploma first year maths | polytechnic first year maths |PSBTE maths | logarithms chapter 2 diploma math | math diploma first semester
Class 12 physical education cbse board | physical education class 12 | physical education cbse board | physical education class 12 one shots |class 12
binomial theorem diploma first year math|binomial theorem diploma maths | binomial theorem polytechnic maths |binomial theorem psbte| psbte diploma