The Tribe is a collective of music lovers aiming at blending nature and all kinds of art. Founded in Izmir, Turkey in 2019 in order to obtain a high-quality creative portfolio. The crew behind the scenes has been developing itself in areas of event creation as well as audio-visual experiences.

We’re proud to present to you our most recent works with Sound of Utopia team called Dream of Utopia Series on our channel to stream great performances from Dream of Utopia Festival '22 in Bonjuk Bay, Marmaris, Turkey, blending talented artists and inspiring views on the Mediterranean coast with an amazing crowd.

If you're new to the tribe, also check out our previous project, Narwhal Series featuring performances from our friends on the deck of Narwhal. As Narwhal floats on the Mediterranean Sea, it creates a beautiful background with magnificent views of Marmaris from the sea throughout performances.

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