Features posted here are in support of the concept that Hornby Is needs a separate & dedicated service to connect directly to Vancouver Is. And that the advent of cable ferry service to Denman Island presents a unique opportunity to utilize the existing floating dock terminal facility at Buckley Bay and the MV Quinitsa that will be tied up there in 'stand-by' mode for months. If a 90 or 120 day trial service period were to show promise (augmented by MV Kahloke running in conjunction from Hornby), then expectations would include a single faster and larger capacity route-specific permanent vessel ( such as MV Island Sky, Skeena Queen, Queen of Capilano ) be assigned or new ship construction be undertaken for the future. We don't share the BC Ferry Corporation's 45 year plan that new, slower, cabled 50 car to Denman Island is an appropriate legacy for either island let alone Hornby. Rather, it dictates a stagnant or dwindling economic future by imposing a