Apostles Craig and Colette Toach founded Toach Ministries International. We're a team-based ministry organization with an emphasis on the prophetic and apostolic. We train the fivefold ministry through books, conferences, online training schools and our Next Gen Prophets podcast. We accelerate your process toward mandate with a focus on your depth of intimacy with Christ.

We meet at our ministry center, where leaders stay for seasons of healing, deliverance, counseling and fellowship.

We believe that the church needs collaboration and tribe. If we are to build the Kingdom, it begins with establishing teams based on the fivefold ministry pattern. of Eph 4:11

"We are committed to raising fivefold ministry leaders for today’s generation. Our passion is to help you discover your call, equip you, and then to release you, with impartation, to see you walk it out.” - Apostles Craig & Colette Toach
