Chris Lawson of Spiritual Research Network (SRN) is committed first and foremost to the Lord Jesus Christ and the integrity of God's Word - The Holy Bible.
Spiritual Research Network is an independent Christian outreach that is not led, guided, or directed by any other organization, church, or ministry. As a mission outreach in Edinburgh, Scotland in 2004, Chris Lawson started SRN to help others come to an understanding of the love, grace, and truth found through the biblical Gospel of Jesus Christ.
SRN addresses the dangers of cults, spiritual abuse, false teachers, false prophets, false apostles, false christs, and mystical/occult practices. Our videos address yoga dangers, ecumenism, New Apostolic Reformation and Word of Faith heresies, charismatic revivalism, holy laughter, spiritual emergencies, psychics, necromancy, and more.
Thank you very much to all who can help support our outreaches!