Coptic Orthodox Answers

Who are the Copts?

The Coptic Orthodox Church is Apostolic. She was founded by St. Mark the Apostle and Evangelist (one of the 72 Apostles chosen by Christ), when he preached Christianity in the city of Alexandria in circa 43 AD. We have since kept the faith intact. Our current Patriarch HH Pope Tawadros II is the 118th Patriarch of the Coptic Orthodox Church.

What is our Christian Objective?

We believe a Christian’s purpose is to enlighten those around him through his or her own unity with Christ. This ultimate objective is achieved through sharing in the Sacramental Life of the Church, which was handed down through Holy Tradition (which includes the Holy Bible as its major source) from the Apostles till this day. The Coptic Orthodox Church intends to keep this Life intact that Christians may enjoy the fullness of unity with the One Trinitarian God. This fundamental purpose starts with proper Orthodox Teaching.

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