Initially I created this channel for my friend from Belgium. She loves Iceland and especially the music. I wanted to be able to show her videos from different concerts and more and it ended up becoming a whole channel on YouTube! There are artists like Euroband (Friðrik Ómar & Regína Ósk), Jógvan Hansen, Jóhanna Guðrún (Yohanna), Ingó, Hera Björk, and from Frostroses concerts as well. Those videos are first and formost for my friend, but I hope the rest of you enjoy them as well :)
However, after not being active for quite some time, I began doing videos on mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, self harm and suicide. I'm not an expert or a therapist but if I can help just ONE person it's totally worth it to share my story. You are not alone ❤
I also do covers, because I love to sing and music really inspires me. Demi Lovato is my biggest inspiration (some might say I'm obsessed but I don't care, she's QUEEN)