Preliminimal is an experimental music channel featuring original and collaborative compositions.Also featuring selected favorites of various genre that are permissible.
628 videos
Pop Music (all decades)
1 video
New Wave/ Punk -70s/80s underground
30 videos
Eric Rosso/ Infra Red
374 videos
Patrik Glassel playlist
58 videos
53 videos
A Certain Ratio/ Jez Kerr
246 videos
Factory Records and related
34 videos
Paul Wiggin
109 videos
106 videos
Classic Rock playlist
10 videos
Roxy Music
75 videos
Various 1970's Rock
25 videos
The Gang Of Four
16 videos
43 videos
105 videos
Films and series
14 videos
jon hassell
269 videos
Ambient Playlist
section 25
56 videos
Shird Leopart, Self-Sufficiently Records
-1 video
Mandela Effect Playlist
76 videos
Joy Division/ New Order
Infra Red/ Eric Rosso
21 videos
Siouxsie/ Creatures
5 videos
bauhaus, peter murphy, love&rockets, tones on tail, david j, dali's car...
48 videos
Minny Pops
163 videos
Hypnodrones playlist
85 videos
Jazz/ Experimental Jazz
49 videos
Hans-Joachim Roedelius/ Cluster/ Harmonia
27 videos
Soft Machine/ Robert Wyatt