My Name is Jeremy Carlson, I play games on xbox and PC, drone footage, dash cam, and a few vlogs here and there, and a few times car stuff. In the future I also plan to do livestreams with friends, family, and even you

Please subscribe, give me a like and if you like Please share the videos you like. If you want to get a hold of me here are my other social media pages:

My discord: discord.gg/C97e7HgUCg

Instagram: JDCARLSON17

Tiktok: jdcarlson17

These are my real accounts and are not controlled by bots or anyone else.

Jeremy Carlson

I've started a second youtube channel that will now be seperate from what this channel has done in the past. My current channel will be used gaming. Second channel "my hobbies #myhobbiesjdc17" will be everything regarding my other hobbies including truck stuff, drones, outdoors, etc. Eventually I'll be changing this channels name to something else but it's unknown for now

4 weeks ago | [YT] | 0