
HELLO, my name is Lexii & I want to WELCOME YOU TO MY PAGE 😊🧑! I pray that you will be encouraged and blessed by the upcoming content. My page will be about positivity, making you laugh, encouraging you through God's Word and most of all I'll be giving you encouraging nuggets on how to BE AMAZINGLY YOU! 🧑 My motto is Jeremiah 29:11 which says For I know the plans and thoughts that I have towards you declares the Lord. To give you a future and a hope & Also Philippians 4:13&19 be encouraged that NO MATTER what you are enough & you matter to God!!! And He SHALL SUPPLY every need if we simply TRUST HIM! I pray that you know these 2 important things which are TO GOD YOU MATTER & YOU MATTER TO GOD! I PRAY THAT YOU ARE AND WILL BE UPLIFTED AND BLESSED BY MY UPCOMING CONTENT πŸ™πŸΎπŸ§‘ SO WELCOME, LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, & ALWAYS REMEMBER YOU IN CHRIST JESUS YOU ARE ALWAYS LOVED ps. I will block any and all negative comments IT IS NOT AND WILL NOT BE TOLERATED ON THIS PAGE OR PLATFORM! God bless you all 😊