Offering personal reflections and explanations from a Catholic and Franciscan perspective for Christians who want to become a better disciples of Jesus Christ and discern their vocation.
15 videos
Moral Theology
Breaking In The Habit
38 videos
Answering Questions
200 videos
11 videos
19 videos
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143 videos
Catholicism In Focus
32 videos
Catholic Social Teaching
5 videos
Gospel Guides
Sacred Scripture
Lessons from Media
41 videos
Prayer, Mass, Sacraments
-1 video
Pope Francis
3 videos
What do Friars Do?
7 videos
Vatican II
52 videos
12 videos
Bleacher Brothers
Homilies and scripture
8 videos
Let Go (Lenten Reflection Series)
A Friar Life
Understanding the Mass
Called: A Lenten Reflection Series
Breaking In Lent
2 videos
Documentaries and Productions