Welcome to Battleroulette (BR) www.battleroulette.com the free live entertainment site where performer vs performer battle it out for judges votes (YOURS) to gain a broad global fan base.

As a Performer.
Get on your webcam whenever the moment takes you and do your thing, it doesn't matter what and it doesn't matter who you are battling. Whatever you do you will attract new fans by our unique voting system, make an even bigger name for yourself where you haven't and surprise and separate yourself from the competition.

As a Judge.
We all know you love to hate so we have made YOU the judge. You decide the future kings and queens of entertainment by voting on who is the best performer live 24/7. You will discover talent first to spread around yourself and our unique BR voting system allows you to vote with the press of a button automatically collecting talent so whenever they return for a another performance you will be alerted to judge them again.