Pullup & Dip - world's first portable exercise bar for pull-ups, dips, muscle-ups and over 20 other bodyweight exercises. Work out indoors & outdoors and bring your Freeletics or Calisthenics workout to a new level.
25 videos
Pullup & Dip
21 videos
Products [English]
18 videos
Produkte [Deutsch]
14 videos
Pull-up / Pull-up Bar Training
29 videos
Pullup & Dip - How-To
5 videos
20 videos
Parallettes / Push-up Bars Exercises & Workouts
22 videos
Calisthenics Skills Tutorials
6 videos
Gymnastic Rings Exercises & Workouts
27 videos
Pullup & Dip - Calisthenics Workouts
57 videos
Pullup & Dip videos of partners
Videos in German
7 videos
Resistance Bands Exercises & Workouts