One Day Better started out to help anyone who might’ve been abused and molested like I was as a child. Then, I hit a deer while driving home from work one morning and everything stopped. I stopped making videos. I stopped doing life for a while because I was so shook up. I realized over this year off how truly lucky I was to still be alive. Then I realized that what I had was a vehicle for positive change within people’s lives. It came to me that I was thinking too small. Everyone can get One Day Better, whether through Health and Fitness, Spirituality, Business and Finances, and Everything life throws your way. Thus, One Day Better was rebranded to include everyone in the beautiful world we live in and not just the abused and molested. If a video I make doesn’t resonate with you because you weren’t abused or molested, then move on to the next one. Eventually you will see that there is tidbits of love and wisdom in all of my vids. Please stay and look around. Welcome to One Day Better!