Hai Mina~
It is I AmuletNicoChan xD
I L-O-V-E Amuto, Tadamu can go die! (No offense to Tadamu fans)
I Love writing FanFic's about Shugo Chara (I have an account on fanfiction.net with the same username ^^)
Random quotes:
"I hate all these damn rich people." Haruhi, Ouran Highschool Host Club.
"I've already given in because...I love you." Ikuto, SC.
"My Hairs blue!...Its Blue!" Bride Wars.
"I will give you a tissue if you have an issue! Cause I have lots of issues, so then I get a tissue, and then ill SMASH IT IN YOUR FACE! HA!" Utau, Shugo Chara FUNNY Fandub.
I LOVE to play on my ipod touch xD lol (fun!)
And makin random vids! Woot woot!
~ E N J O I M Y C H A N N E L~