Hi there! I'm Jake, and I'm here to help you transform your body while enjoying a healthy lifestyle. I specialise in bodyweight training and fixing skinny fat, and am extremely passionate about supporting people like yourself with getting in amazing shape in an ENJOYABLE and SUSTAINABLE way.

So what are you waiting for? Make sure to hit that subscribe button, turn on post notifications, and let's gooooo! :)

Jake Gay

“JAKE - what do I do if I overate this weekend?!” 🤯⁣

This is a common question I get asked in the DM’s. 📥⁣

When I first began my Fitness Journey, I would eat like a PIG 🐽 on the weekends. 🤣⁣

I’d have Cheat Days and Cheat Meals that would send me into a food coma. 🤪⁣

And although the food tasted DELICIOUS, I ended up feeling guilty (and sick from all the food I ate 😅)⁣

Because I felt like 💩 afterwards!⁣

So, here are a few tips that helped me overcome this and enjoy a more healthy, balanced lifestyle 👇⁣

1️⃣ I learned to move on quickly from my mistakes as opposed to dwell on them.⁣

2️⃣ Instead of trying to make up for all the calories by eating excessively less for the next few days, or do more cardio to compensate…I simply brushed it off and continued with my usual routine.⁣

3️⃣ Instead of restricting myself in the week (which led to binge eating on the weekends), I followed a Flexible Dieting approach.⁣

Which usually goes by the 80/20 Rule (80% of your diet coming from wholefoods, and 20% coming from your favourite foods 🍫 🍔 🍟).⁣

So I could have the occasional treat in the week (if I wanted to). Which then allowed me to enjoy social events on the weekend; without going overhaul with my diet.⁣

Make sure to LIKE this post if you found it helpful, and feel free to Share it with a friend if you feel it can help them as well. 🙌⁣

Keep Moving Forward!⁣

Coach Jake 😃


1 year ago | [YT] | 19

Jake Gay

Do you ever feel frustrated when… 👇⁣

💪 You completed all of your workouts for the week⁣

🍏 You ate healthy and stayed consistent with your diet⁣

🤷‍♂️ Yet the scale STILL isn’t dropping?⁣

I felt the same way as well.⁣

Until I realised…⁣


If your goal is to lose fat while building muscle at the same time. 💪🔥⁣

Muscle is more DENSE than fat, meaning an increase in muscle mass will contribute to an increase in your total bodyweight.⁣

For example 👇⁣

Let’s say Person A loses 10 pounds of fat, and gains 5 pounds of muscle in the process.⁣

They would’ve lost 5 pounds in total. 👍⁣

On the other hand, Person B loses 10 pounds of fat, but doesn’t gain any muscle.⁣

That means they would’ve lost 10 pounds in total. 👍⁣

So, although Person B has seen 5 extra pounds dropped on the scale…⁣

Who do you reckon would’ve created a more significant physical transformation? 🤷‍♂️⁣


As they’ve built muscle alongside losing fat!⁣

Moral of the story? 🤓⁣

Don’t base your progress solely on the number on a scale.⁣

Instead, focus on FAT LOSS rather than Weight Loss by itself.⁣

Because if… 👇⁣

💪 You’re getting STRONGER in your workouts⁣

🤩 Your daily mood and energy is increasing⁣

👔 Your clothes are fitting better⁣

💯 And you can physically see your physique improving (either from progress photos and/or seeing your body in the mirror)⁣

It doesn’t matter what the scales say when you’re seeing the RESULTS you want to see!⁣

Because at the end of the day - whether your Goal Physique ends up being 5 pounds or 15 pounds lighter than your starting weight.⁣

Does it really matter what your ‘weight’ is if you LOOK and FEEL the way you’ve always wanted to?! 👏⁣

Because it’s PROGRESS and RESULTS that matter most! 🚀⁣

Keep Moving Forward!⁣

Coach Jake 😃


1 year ago | [YT] | 17

Jake Gay

Keep showing up for yourself.

Because when you do.

The results are always worth it. 💪💯

1 year ago | [YT] | 38

Jake Gay


I just got off a Coaching Live with my JG Warriors (our private community of awesome, like-minded individuals 🌎)⁣

And I feel it’s worthy reminding. 👇⁣

We can all have a tendency to look and compare ourselves to others online nowadays. 📲⁣

Which then makes you forget how well YOU are doing in your own journey! 🤯⁣

Your hard work. 💪⁣

Your progress. 👏⁣

When’s the last time you gave yourself the credit you deserve for showing up everyday?!⁣

See others as inspiration. 🙌⁣

But don’t forget to stay in your lane and focus on your own Growth. 🚀⁣

Your GOALS. ✅⁣


Your JOURNEY. 🌟⁣

They aren’t going to get the attention they need by only looking at how well others are doing.⁣

You’ve got to make time for YOU, Champ! 🏆⁣

Put one foot in front of the other. 👣⁣

And focus on one goal at a time. 👍⁣

One day at a time. 🗓️⁣

One task at a time. 📝⁣

You’ve got this 👊⁣

Coach Jake 🧡


1 year ago | [YT] | 26

Jake Gay

Happy Mother’s Day to the legend I get to call my Mum. 🧡

Thank you for everything you do. 🙏

1 year ago | [YT] | 27

Jake Gay


For March this month - I’m opening Online Coaching Spots for busy men who want to 👇⁣

💪 Build lean muscle ⁣

🔥 Lose stubborn belly fat⁣

🌞 And feel CONFIDENT with their shirt off on the beach this Summer⁣

🤩 Without having to give up their social life or favourite foods!⁣ 🍷🍪🍕⁣

I remember having to wear baggy shirts on the beach as I felt insecure with my body. 👕⁣

And didn’t want to be seen shirtless in public.⁣

When I started working out and getting in shape, I felt AMAZING going on the beach as I felt such a sense of accomplishment within myself! 🙏⁣

Which only motivated me to keep on progressing with my Fitness Goals and THRIVING in all areas of life! 🚀⁣

It doesn’t matter what your age is, or your shoe size, or whether you’ve made as much progress as you’d like in 2023 so far. 🤷‍♂️⁣

Summer is 107 days away, and you can be in the best shape of your life within the next 90! 💥⁣

It would be a privilege to work together, as team-mates, to guide you to building the lean and defined body you desire. 🙌⁣

And provide you with the knowledge, skillset, and mindset required to sustain a Healthy Lifestyle for LIFE! 👏⁣

If this sounds like something you’d like to learn more about 👇⁣

👉 Tap the link below to submit your interest:


And I’ll be in touch within the next 12-24 hours to chat about your goals in more detail! 👏⁣

👉 Spots are limited so I can provide all clients the best support for achieving their goals, so don’t wait around with this one. 🕰️⁣

It’s time to STOP settling for less than you deserve ❌⁣

And it’s time to start stepping into your POWER so you can become the person you’ve always wanted to be! ✅⁣

Let’s make it happen, my friend! 💥⁣

Your Coach,⁣

Jake 😃⁣

PS - if you have any questions you’d like to ask, please send me an email via the Contact Form below, and I’ll be happy to answer them for you!👇


1 year ago | [YT] | 19

Jake Gay

If there was one thing I wish I could tell my younger self 👇⁣

It would be…⁣

To stop being so hard on yourself, man! 🤷‍♂️⁣

I remember how I would pick myself apart.⁣

Look for everything that was wrong with me. 😔⁣

What I’m not doing right. 😒⁣

And then compare myself to anyone else who was stronger, faster, or more talented than me. 🫠⁣

No wonder I felt like 💩 so often and would get in my own way when achieving my goals! 🎯⁣

This is when I realised… 💭⁣

Damn, man.⁣

I’m actually doing a lot better than I realise! 😅⁣

So instead of doing the above, I started to 👇⁣

Look for everything I was doing RIGHT! 🤩⁣

What I’m doing WELL! ✅⁣

And staying in my own lane 💯⁣

I started to feel more ENERGETIC and POSITIVE just by how I spoke and viewed myself. 🌟⁣

Which made me get after the goals I always wanted to achieve! 👏⁣

💪 Building a strong, confident body⁣

📚 Getting good grades at school⁣

🌍 Starting my own online coaching business⁣

🙌 And making a positive impact on other people’s lives⁣

We can all be our worst critiques.⁣

But when you listen to the side of your brain that knows what you’re truly capable of accomplishing in your life. 🧠⁣

That’s where amazing things begin to happen. 🚀⁣

Keep Moving Forward!⁣

Coach Jake 😃


1 year ago | [YT] | 15

Jake Gay

That voice instead your head 💭⁣

The one that tries to hold you back every time you move towards your goals. 😬⁣

The one that randomly says “you aren’t good enough” during a workout. 🤔⁣

The one that says it’s OK to have a glass of wine or a few cookies out the cupboard after a stressful day of work. 🍷🍪⁣

What if I told you…⁣

That these voices in your head are NORMAL?! 🤯⁣

Because if getting in great shape was easy…⁣

EVERYONE would have the lean and defined bodies they want, right?! 🤷‍♂️⁣

The question is though👇⁣

How much energy are you going to give ‘that’ voice in your head? 🧠⁣

Because if you do what most others do when things get hard. 😔⁣

You’ll come up with all the excuses and justifications as to why that voice in your head is actually RIGHT! 😩⁣

I know you’re better than that, though. 👊⁣

I’ve been there myself, and I know exactly how it feels.⁣

And I can tell you from experience,⁣

It never gets easier.⁣

You just get STRONGER and BETTER! 💪⁣

Focus LESS on giving that inner critique the attention it doesn’t need.⁣

And focus MORE on your daily actions to achieving the goals you deserve! 🔥⁣

You’ve got this! 🏆⁣

Coach Jake 😃


1 year ago | [YT] | 30

Jake Gay


I grew up as an active guy who LOVED playing football. ⚽️⁣

One event changed everything for me where I suffered a lower back injury (twisted pelvis) following a collision in a match. 🤕⁣

I was unable to play sports for months due to being in pain. 😓⁣

I was starting to gain belly fat, and began to feel insecure with my self-image. 🫣⁣

I began my Fitness Journey to get STRONGER, physically and mentally, so I could get back to playing sports and feeling confident in my skin. 💪⁣

After months of trial and error, I started seeing results where I developed MORE love for Health & Fitness as opposed to the Sports I used to play. 💯⁣

I became addicted to the feeling I’d get after a good workout, and felt INCREDIBLE in myself as I saw my physique change in the mirror. 🤩⁣

This is when I realised that THIS is what I want to do for a living. 🙏⁣

To transform people’s bodies. 🔥⁣

And CHANGE people’s LIVES! 🙌⁣

⁣It’s extremely fulfilling to make a positive impact and improve the quality of other people’s lives. 👍⁣

To become healthier. 🍏⁣

Fitter. 💪⁣

Happier. 😄⁣

More confident. 😎⁣

And THRIVE in all areas of their life. 🚀⁣

When you see my posts. 📱⁣

They aren’t just there to help with your Training, Nutrition, or Mindset.⁣

They’re there to help improve the quality of your LIFE! 🏆⁣

The more you can see the bigger picture with your Health & Fitness Goals. 💭⁣

The easier it is to remain consistent. 👌⁣

And the more success you’ll have with achieving the transformation you’re striving for. 💥⁣

Keep Moving Forward!

Coach Jake 😃


1 year ago (edited) | [YT] | 13

Jake Gay


One thing I see in common between those who SUCCEED with their Fitness Goals. 👍⁣

And those that don’t. 👎⁣

Is based on what they focus on. 🔍⁣

Those who get MOTIVATED for a few weeks, and then throw in the towel when obstacles arise… 😕⁣

Usually only focus on short-term, superficial factors such as Weight Loss, Abs, etc. 🤷‍♂️⁣

Whereas those who produce LONG TERM results do so because they focus on the LONG TERM in itself! 🚀⁣

Because working out and eating healthy is MORE about how you LOOK.⁣

It’s about how you FEEL in yourself as well!⁣

💪 Your self-esteem⁣

😃 Your social confidence⁣

🔥 Your mood & daily energy⁣

🧠 Mindset⁣

👔 Performance at work⁣

ALL gain a positive impact when you make a transformational change to your Health & Fitness! 🙌⁣

Because when you focus on the LONG TERM and see how adhering to a Healthy Lifestyle will positively benefit ALL aspects of your life. 🌟⁣

THAT is what will give you the motivation, the spark, and the desire to keep moving forward on the days you DO feel like doing the work, and the days that you don’t as well. 👏⁣

So the next time you feel like giving up and going back to old habits you know don’t serve you? 🤔⁣

Remind yourself of WHY you’re doing this in the first place. 🙏⁣

As your WHY will be what GUIDES you from where you are now, to where you ultimately want to be. 💯⁣

Your Coach,⁣

Jake 😃


1 year ago | [YT] | 13