
Liquidmotiondiva is the founder and director for the 'Bay Area Soul Line Dance Crew' and the 'Liquid Motion Diva' Soul Line dance company. When you're in the area, please join us and have a first class line dance experience. My class schedule is: Monday 6p-7p at the BayView Opera House 4705 3rd St, San Francisco; Tuesday 10:30a-noon (beg.) and 12:30p-2p (intermed.) at the South Berkeley Senior Center,2939 Ellis Street, Berkeley, Ca.; Wednesday 6p-7:30p (advance), F.M. Smith Recreation Center, 1969 Park Blvd., Oakland, Ca. Also, join us for 'First Friday Night Jive at the BayView Opera House on the 1st Friday of each month,6p-10p (free); then there's 'Second Sunday' at the Lakeside Lounge, 338 E. 18th St., Oakland, 3p-6p (free). 'Always Dance to Live and Live To Dance'. I can be contacted at :