Welcome to my 2nd channel looking at archive videos. For up-to-date videos subscribe at youtube.com/@seanjamescameron
41 videos
'The Rusty Allotment' Trewsbury Road Allotments
Sean’s Second Channel (Sean James Cameron)
2 videos
Rhondda Oral History
17 videos
Wales Archive
7 videos
The Rusty Homestead (Raw Footage)
30 videos
Living in London
4 videos
'No Dig Allotment' Meadow Hill Roots Allotment
Kent House Leisure Gardens
25 videos
'Cottage Garden' Abbots Way Leisure Gardens
Canary Islands
5 videos
The Rusty Homestead CCTV
18 videos
6 videos
Gardening Interviews and Events
28 videos
'The Railway Allotment' Forster Road Allotments
Lockdown Diary
10 videos
Sydenham, London
8 videos
Gardening Advice
-1 video
The Family Garden
'The Wales Allotment' Rhondda Valleys
Cats Amber and Topsy
'The Rectory Garden' Forster Road Allotments Annex
Rambling in England
Raw Footage
The Paddock Allotments & Horticultural Society (Raynes Park, London)