Minérwa Méliore / 민애 / 峰

Merch money more than mortgage.
🐯 D-LITE CULT Leader
💛 BigBang 💜 Bangtan
✏️ 📖 Korean
🗣️ French / English / Japanese

How to pronounce my name:
Minérwa Méliore
• Minérwa = Mi - nér - wa [mɪˈnɛrwa]
(the Latin pronunciation, like that Roman deity)
• Méliore = Mé - li - yor [mɛlɪˈjɔːr]
(YOR like Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh but with the Spanish rolling R)
*phonetically consistent, except the last E is silent.

민애 Min - ae
峰 Mine