Hi! 🙋‍♂️ Welcome and thanks for stopping by! 😊

Jump Your Way to a Healthier You - One JUMP at a Time!

Current passion is jump rope / skipping rope….

Jump Rope Anywhere Anytime!

Almost all of us have jumped rope / skipped some time in our life...mostly as kids...

Never thought about jump rope till the time the pandemic hit and the lockdowns started! Thats when I re-started my jumping as a beginner and till now have been enjoying it with a small regret of why I didn't start this fun work out much earlier....anyways there is no late for starting something good! Right? 😁😁😁

In this channel I post videos of jump rope and related subjects.

Finally - am a beginner and I am just sharing - no tutorials or training or coaching...sharing my learning journey 🤩👍

Just fun!


Best wishes