A concept artist, graphic designer/animator, hand-drawn animator, CG animator, and character designer. Used to work with MLAATR Rebooted. Also, an aspiring filmmaker.
3 videos
Edits and Such
BA Allen
5 videos
Crystal Crisis on Utapau
8 videos
CG Models
15 videos
12 videos
Spider-Man 3 Trailer Music
Logo Recreations
17 videos
Graphic and Title Animation
2 videos
13 videos
My Wacky Pastime Vids
H2G2 Teaser Versions
6 videos
Danny Elfman’s Demos for “9”
28 videos
TJOmega’s Beast Machines Reviews
16 videos
Transformers S1
4 videos
My Childhood Memories
Famous Studios’s Land of the Lost Trilogy
-1 video
Original Content
Old Videos