Putna Monastery is an important spiritual, historic and cultural landmark. Named by Mihai Eminescu, the national poet of Romanians, “Jerusalem of the Romanian nation”, Putna was the first monastery founded by Holy Prince Stephen the Great, canonized by the Romanian Orthodox Church in 1992. Romanians from all over the country, from Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina gather here at his tomb. Holy Hierarch Jacob of Putna, the second greatest founder of our monastery, was canonized in 2017. We stream live the Vigil and Divine Liturgy on Sundays and great feasts and we publish the sermons in video format. We also livestream cultural and patriotic events.

By publishing church chants on our channel, we promote psaltic music, a music of Byzantine tradition. This is how we carry on the legacy of Venerable Eustatie the Protopsaltes, former Putna monk. You can listen here to all the CDs we have launched: “Psaltic chants”, “The Fatherly Embrace”, “Paraklesis to the Mother of God” and other.