The Chewjitsu channel is dedicated to Brazilian Jiu-jitsu and Grappling and how to improve our training and lifestyle on and off the mat.
30 videos
Wrestling for BJJ
-1 video
Front Head Locks BJJ
569 videos
Chewy Rambles
MYTHS of Jiu-Jitsu
275 videos
White Belt Tips
218 videos
BJJ White Belt Tips
21 videos
BJJ Leg Locks
88 videos
BJJ Training
64 videos
BJJ Rolling (Short Videos)
7 videos
Rolling Videos
26 videos
Wrestlers in BJJ
2 videos
36 videos
BJJ Takedowns
4 videos
Chewjitsu Open
22 videos
BJJ Side Control
15 videos
BJJ for a Street Fight / Self Defense
Gi vs No Gi BJJ
78 videos
BJJ Competition Tips
69 videos
BJJ Blue Belt Tips
16 videos
Dick Moves in BJJ
5 videos
Jiu-Jitsu Etiquette
9 videos
Leaving Your BJJ Gym
BJJ Comp Loss Mindset
BJJ Cranks & Injury Prevention
40 videos
Weight Training for BJJ
Lifting & Workouts
19 videos
BJJ Triangle Chokes
52 videos
BJJ Armbars and Arm Lock Submissions
Jiu-Jitsu trash talk
Big Person BJJ