You'll find music videos from the 70s, 80s, 90s, 2000s up to the present day here with me. In the best possible picture and sound quality after extensive restoration - including the use of AI. This work has been my hobby for years. I'm constantly learning and still trying to improve the results, especially since I'm definitely not a video and sound pro. Unfortunately, YouTube blocks on nearly half of all of my favorite clips. Anyway, I'm just happy if you like those you can watch..

NEW: As you may have already noticed, I enjoy face swapping (and voice changing) - also with the help of AI. I'm actually doing this as a joke for friends, but maybe you'll find one or two videos funny too. That's why I have activated these videos as the final playlist for you. But don't worry: I will continue to edit almost exclusively "normal" music videos.


Billy Idol - Cradle Of Love - 4K - Remastered - 5.1 Surround ... You can't stop it, it ain't in vain ...

1 month ago | [YT] | 1


Michael Jackson - Captain EO - 4K - Remastered - 5.1 Surround ... You're just another Part of me ...

1 month ago | [YT] | 9


21.08.2024: Because (nearly) all of you love it, I did it again:
Limp Bizkit with "Behind Blue Eyes" Remastered and AI upscaled in 4K @ 60 FPS with (selfmade) lossless 5.1 Surround Sound. This is the best possible video and sound-quality I could achieve :D ... have fun !!! ... My love is vengeance ...

1 month ago (edited) | [YT] | 4


Sepultura - Refuse / Resist - 4K - Remastered - 5.1 Surround ... Inside the state war is created ...

1 month ago | [YT] | 6


Today on my own behalf:
It's about the channel "RemasteredVEVO", which is a fake. The whole thing has absolutely nothing to do with the official VEVO Channel. The channel owner brazenly steals videos from everywhere and pretends he has remastered them!!! Here is an example that concerns me personally:

My Upload:
His Copy:

This video is stolen from my YouTube account. I can tell by details that only I know. Please don't support this guy. I work hard for 1-2 days on a video like this to perfect it and he just steals it within seconds, uploads it and claims he made it himself. He even copied the beginning of my video description (copying the entire text was probably too much work for him). A very, very bad person!!! And such an amateur as well. He can't even download the 4K version of my video (it's only 1080p for him) and the sound isn't 5.1 surround anymore. So his information about the video here is also a lie. Not to mention that he steals from everywhere - not just from me. Ridiculous.

But the biggest cheek is: From time to time he writes me an email and threatens me, saying he is the official Vevo channel (he has a total of 297 subscribers :) ) ... and if I don't delete a certain video of mine (which he also stole and wants people to watch from him), then he will make sure that my whole channel is deleted. He has tried to do that to me several times, but I didn't fall for it.

I always act according to the motto: "Live and let live" ... but what this guy is doing is really shabby and I'm getting fed up with it. Sorry, it had to be said.


Heute mal in eigener Sache:
Es geht um den Kanal " RemasteredVEVO ", der eine Fälschung ist. Das Ganze hat mit dem offiziellen VEVO Kanal rein gar nichts zu tun. Der Kanalinhaber klaut dreist überall Videos und tut so, als hätte er sie Remastered !!! Hier ein Beispiel, welches mich selbst betrifft:

Mein Upload:
Seine Kopie:

Dieses Video ist von meinem YouTube-Account geklaut. Ich erkenne das an Details, die nur ich kenne. Bitte unterstützt diesen Typen nicht. Ich arbeite harte 1-2 Tage an so einem Video, um es zu perfektionieren und er klaut es einfach innerhalb von Sekunden, lädt es hoch und behauptet, er hätte es selbst gemacht. Er hat sogar den Anfang meiner Videobeschreibung kopiert (Den kompletten Text zu kopieren war ihm dann wol auch schon zu viel Arbeit). Ein sehr, sehr schlechter Mensch!!! Und so ein Amateur außerdem. Er schafft es nicht einmal, die 4K-Version von meinem Video herunterzuladen (es ist bei ihm nur 1080p) und der Ton ist auch nicht nicht mehr 5.1 Surround. Seine Angaben zum Video hier sind also auch eine Lüge. Ganz abgesehen davon klaut er überall - nicht nur von mir. Lächerlich.

Die größte Frechheit ist aber: Von Zeit zu Zeit schreibt er mich per email an und droht mir, er wäre der offizielle Vevo Kanal (er hat ganze 297 Abonnenten :) ) ... und wenn ich nicht ein bestimmtes Video von mir lösche (welches er irgendwo auch geklaut hat und will, dass die Leute es sich bei ihm angucken), dann wird er dafür sorgen, dass mein ganzer Kanal gelöscht wird. Das hat er schon mehrmals bei mir versucht, aber ich bin nicht darauf hereingefallen.

Ich handle stets getreu dem Motto: "Leben und Leben lassen" ... aber das ist echt schäbig, was der Typ abzieht und ich habe davon langsam die Schnauze voll. Sorry, das musste mal gesagt werden.

2 months ago | [YT] | 1


Taio Cruz Feat. Kylie Minogue - Higher - 4K - Remastered - 5.1 Surround ... I can't stay on the ground ...

2 months ago | [YT] | 2


New Fun-Face-Swap-Video:
Captain Carlossi™ - Dorito Commercial #1

2 months ago | [YT] | 1


New Fun-Face-Swap-Video:
Captain Carlossi™ - Dorito Commercial #2

2 months ago | [YT] | 2


New Fun-Face-Swap-Video:
Captain Carlossi™ - Asipodidas:

2 months ago | [YT] | 1


Sandra - Hiroshima - 4K - Remastered - 5.1 Surround ... Speak the magic word ...

2 months ago | [YT] | 0