[Edited 2/18/2016] Hey guys, Mrsrockworld100 here, I have decided to move on. I love being on here but I think it's time to move on. I never thought I would be typing this message, but I think its time. I hope Kinztube will live on! I leave you guys with this message and good intentions. I love you guys! This is Mrsrockworld100, signing off. P.S- edit 2/18/16- I miss this channel so much, it was a huge part of my childhood. I'm 15 now which is crazyyy. The friend I used to make videos with, well we still don't talk, I miss her though. And if anyone saw my unedited description they know I was hurt by this friend. I'm not anymore, no hard feelings and I miss her! Part of growing up. Rock on Kinztube! Signing off~