In 1978, a letter in Outside’s first issue stated that the magazine was "dedicated to covering the people, activities, politics, art, and literature of the outdoors." Today, that editorial goal remains the same—if anything, it’s expanded as we continue to redefine what it means to be an outdoor recreationist. With in-depth narrative storytelling, profiles, video, and authoritative service, we explore the intersection between our lives and the natural world. We hope you find inspiration here, then take that wonder outside.

Our YouTube channel covers the latest trends, sports, gear, apparel, athletes, places, events and competitions that makeup the outdoor lifestyle. Covering everything from rock climbing and mountaineering to backpacking, camping, hiking, mountain biking, skiing, snowboarding, and adventure vehicles.

Our current weekly YouTube publishing schedule:
Monday: Moves
Tuesday: Staff Picks
Wednesday: The 101
Thursday: Eat Like/Basics
Friday: Rewilding