Suruchi Agarwal, one name with multiple roles. An ex-banker to a Successful Healer, Facilitator, Life Coach, Financial Advisor, Author to manufacturer of Handmade Bath and Beauty Products and a wife and Mother of two kids.
Being engaged in various roles, we enjoy Energy Healing of Physical, Mental, Emotional, Financial and Spiritual healing through various modalities of Access Consciousness, Pranic Healing, Sound Healing through Tibetan Singing bowls and Crystal healing and Aromatherapy, Angel Card Reading, Tarot Card Reading, Sujok Therapy, Shamanism, Silva Mind Control and many more. We are also engaged in facilitating people about these modalities and Successful in Life Coaching Business.
We are also Manufacturing Bath and Beauty Products and Successfully developed Brand Names like La Natural and Naturixmaa. We also offer various courses on bath and beauty products to help people start a new source of Income.