Welcome to the WillyT Productions YouTube channel. The purpose of this channel is to act as a portfolio of our work.
If you are unfamiliar with our process here is how it works.
We turn a 1-hour conversation with one of our professional content hosts into months’ worth of marketable content to grow your business. We do this in three steps.
1. A free Pre-Production call to make the content fit into your current growth and marketing strategy. Questions will be written by our team and edited and approved by your team.
2. Record the Session The video will be covered in your branding and recorded remotely.
3. Our team will edit the clips, and provide social copy, and transcripts depending on the package purchased.
Each video on this channel is from a client of ours. Each piece of content was edited by us as well. The descriptions will tell you why we chose that piece for editing and the full conversation will review the goals and process the client went through.