ZoeyBayy (ZoeyyBayy)

Current Projects:
Best of Dr. Phil (Ken)
Ehcuse me? (Pewds)
Pew News

Before this was just called "compilations", but then I wanted a name that reflected what I was making, so I went with PewDieWoto. Pewds because I am a huge fan of his, especially the more recent shit, and WOTO because even though Brad could be a real asshole, he inspired me to try to teach myself how to edit. I'm still not very good at it, and I want to be clear that the editing techniques are not mine, all I'm doing is cutting them up to tell a story. They are taken from Pewds channel, and then cut into stories or groups together. The editing is 100% BradWOTO's original editing, and not my own.

I also want to be clear that I am NOT BradWOTO or PewDiePie, because for some reason i've been asked that.