The Cross Crusader

Welcome to our Channel! We post about everything to do with Christianity, from apologetics, to short films to the history of the Holy Church.

In the hope YOU learn more about God & to become stronger in your faith.

Follow us if you love The Lord!

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The Cross Crusader

What is Jesus’ throne? 👑

God’s throne is a place of power and authority. In 2 Chronicles 18:18, the prophet Micaiah relates his vision of God’s throne room, in which spirit beings stand in attendance. Compare this to Job 1:6, where God demands answers from the angelic beings summoned there.

God’s throne is a place of majesty and honor. The Bible says that, when Jesus ascended to heaven, He “sat down at the right hand of the throne of God” (Hebrews 12:2). There is no higher place than heaven. God is the King of heaven, and Jesus holds the place of honor at God’s right hand.

God’s throne is a place of perfect justice. “He has prepared His throne for judgment” (Psalm 9:7; cf. 89:14). The final judgment, described in Revelation 20, is held before “a great white throne” (verse 11).

God’s throne is a place of sovereignty and holiness. “God reigns over the nations; God is seated on his holy throne” (Psalm 47:8; cf. 103:19). He does whatever He pleases, and all He does is good.

God’s throne is a place of praise. John’s vision of heaven includes a scene in which a “new song” is sung in praise to the One who occupies the throne (Revelation 14:3). Around the throne, the praise of God is surely “glorious” (Psalm 66:2).

One day, ALL of creation will bow to the majesty of God’s throne (Philippians 2:9–11).

The regal beings surrounding the throne of God will “lay their crowns before the throne and say: ‘You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power’” (Revelation 4:10–11).

Praise The One who sits on it.

AMEN ✝️☦️🇻🇦

#jesus #jesuschrist #jesuscristo #jesús #jesusfreak #jesussaves #bible #thebible #bibleverse #bibleverses #christianart #christianwallpaper #christianquotes #jesussaves #jesuslovesyou #spirit #holyspirit #trinity

1 month ago | [YT] | 1,137

The Cross Crusader

Sorry for being so quiet recently!

We’ve been working on some HUGE projects.

Stay tuned 👀

1 month ago | [YT] | 282

The Cross Crusader

The Warmth of Christ.

In an otherwise cold, sinless world, all throughout the Old Testament and The New we can see Christs love and The Fathers plan for our redemption permeating through each verse.

We put together these wallpapers to represent that our light in the dark, our Lord & Saviour is always with us…

Even when it seems otherwise.

All we have to do is accept the warmth of His love.

Who can guess the scenes? 👀

1 month ago | [YT] | 1,181

The Cross Crusader

Is Jesus created or uncreated?

We’ll do a follow up post to explain!

1 month ago | [YT] | 68

The Cross Crusader

The fire of The Holy Spirit is always with us.

A number of Old Testament passages help us understand the Holy Spirit as fire in the New Testament.

Primarily fire represents the presence of God, as when Moses encountered God at the burning bush, and later when God appeared in a pillar of fire to lead his people in the wilderness (Exodus 3:2; 13:21).

In Acts, the tongues of fire represent the presence of God the Holy Spirit.

This fulfills John the Baptist’s prophecy that the Messiah would baptize “with the Holy Spirit and fire” (Matthew 3:11-12). This also means that the purifying work of the Holy Spirit carries on in our lives today.

The Spirit comes into our lives to transform us, cleansing and purifying us to become more like Christ in our daily living.


1 month ago | [YT] | 1,125

The Cross Crusader

You all keep asking for canvases, prints and merch…

SO… We are extremely HARD at work making all of it happen for you!

Which do you prefer, the first or second?

1 month ago | [YT] | 125

The Cross Crusader

Christ is KING!

We've put together some renaissance painting inspired wallpapers for our Patreon supporters this week (link in bio to join!)

Thanks to who, and all of you who have so kindly donated through super thanks here on Youtube, we've now hired a second member of the The Cross Crusader team!

We're going to have so much more content coming out on all platforms very soon!

Update on The Sword for you all also, we're about 70% complete with the rework (we keep having to change everything because AI just keeps getting better, so now, I have got the quality at Holywood film level for visuals!)

God bless us all and may we all continue to walk on the narrow path!

1 month ago (edited) | [YT] | 1,309

The Cross Crusader

We get so many messages from you all who have issues sleeping.

Demonic dreams, nightmares, night terrors, insomnia, demonic attacks and so much more...

So, we've decided to embark on a HUGE project for you all.

Nothing like this has been undertaken before by any Christian channel...

We've put together something REALLY special just for you, for FREE because we love you all so much & appreciate your support.

So im VERY happy to announce we've completed our Genesis audiobook for you to all to listen to as you rest.

BUT we're embarking on a FULL audiobook series so that you can listen to every single book of The Holy Bible every single night!

We're going to be working on different soundscapes in the background for every book so you can choose the best soundscape for whatever relaxes you most!

We've worked tireslessly for the past two weeks to create Genesis so I hope you all enjoy it!

You can watch it here -

Christ be with you all!

1 month ago (edited) | [YT] | 283

The Cross Crusader

Which comic would you read? 👀

We might aswell start a Bible cinematic universe at this point!

All of these and more are on our Patreon without watermarks for as little as $2 a month!

To support our ministry:

Make sure you all attend Church today, even if you’re late, Christ is calling!


1 month ago (edited) | [YT] | 1,187

The Cross Crusader

Matthew 4:4 - ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. ‘

Most of us have never known true hunger, yet He was near starvation at the time, having fasted for forty days and nights. For Him it was the one thing that He most needed;
He addressed this phrase to the devil.

Many feel that faith is something rational…a way of dealing with the world…a philosophy of life that gives meaning to existence.

It has these attributes; however, we are part of a cosmic war waged by Satan against God. These are not abstract concepts, good versus evil, not our animal urges, but God Who is Person, and a true Father Who has faith in us offering His Son for our salvation.

He trusts us to be capable of dealing with the devil’s wiles. He permits us to be exposed to evil and triumph

Our Lord is quoting from the Bible. He demonstrates for us:
That we must know the Bible and the way to use it;
We ought not to rely on ourselves to respond to Satan, and our own ability to argue with the master of lies and deception, but to seek the Word of God.


2 months ago | [YT] | 848