My parents got a divorce when I was 5 and I still blame myself for their divorce to this day so I have set off to find the killer and avenge my own death before they get a divorce and I fade away but for real this time. Also, please get me to $1,000,000 by the end of the day. That would be the true miracle. Also again, this is the last time I'm editing this part of my channel so I hope I dont look back on this moment with too much embarrassment. This was edited on March 9, 2021 at 1:21 AM (passed my bedtime). Uh oh, I can hear my mom walking up the stairs. She's walking towards my room. Oh no, they found me Marty! Run while there's still time!

Just kidding you guys. That was a joke you dumbass. She doesn't even know that I'm in my room right now. Woah. Should all of this be a sketch? Just kidding. Another joke. I dont know what else you expected here. Anyways it's 1:29 now so who else wants to share something they did this summer?