BHABHA UNIVERSITY opened its door with the establishment of Bhabha Group of Institutions(BGOIs) in 2003 and is promoted by AESS. Later during the year 2018 BGOIs is developed into BU. "BHABHA UNIVERSITY” (established by the Act of MP Legislature and is notified in the Official Gazette extra-ordinary) of the State Govt of MP. BGOIs has been challenging and developing great minds for more than a decade. Interdisciplinary research training is the key to the success of tomorrow’s life scientists, as the motto of the University states. The BU provides a world class environment of research institutions, which have a long and successful tradition of cooperation across faculties. It is successfully running various Institutions in discipline of Engineering & Technology, Agriculture, Nursing, Pharmacy, Dental, Law, Hotel Management, Computer Applications, Management, Library science, Commerce, Arts, Science, Journalism, Paramedical & Education etc. for last 18 years in the central India.