Lisa A. Romano Breakthrough Life Coach Inc

Do you feel invisible? Do you worry you are not good enough? Are you too hard on yourself and too easy on others? Do you seek approval outside of yourself? Were your parents narcissistic, codependent, and or emotionally immature? Do you fear abandonment? If so, you are not alone. Codependency is a defense mechanism. It is a way of getting unmet needs met, albeit in a maladaptive way. Codependents often find themselves neglecting themselves for the sake of others' happiness. If you are codependent, you may not even know it, and that is why you stay stuck. It's not you -- it's your programming.
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Lisa A. Romano Breakthrough Life Coach Inc

If you grew up feeling not good enough for the love and sense of safety you naturally needed and craved, remember that your mind was superiorly malleable from 0 to 7.

During that time, your ego was developing, and your superego was downloading familial and societal rules, norms, and expectations, empowering or disempowering. By the time you are twelve years of age, your subconscious patterns are accepted as fact, and not until we generally reach our thirties does our life begin to unveil what has been downloaded below the veil of consciousness, such as troubled relationships, career flops, mental, emotional and physical health conditions including addiction.

The good news is, once we finally say ENOUGH, and we begin to do the inner recovery work necessary, we get to unpack the stinking thinking that's been holding us back!

Once we begin the conscious healing journey, the only thing in our way is choosing not to work on our recovery.

We got this!

Lisa A. Romano Breakthrough Life Coach

#adultchildrenofalcoholics #adultingfeels #emotionalhealing #emotionalwellness #relationshipadvice #relationshipgoals #lisaaromano #codependencyrecovery #codependency #codependentnomore #mentalhealthmatters #peoplepleaser #narcissisticparents #emotionalneglect #innerchildhealing #traumahealing #cptsd

15 hours ago | [YT] | 255

Lisa A. Romano Breakthrough Life Coach Inc

As a codependent, I learned that focusing on saving others from their pain, suffering, negative emotions, and outlook was akin to wearing a life jacket. Feeling other people’s emotional and mental pain was the norm, as was taking on the responsibility of rescuing them from their own self sabotaging beliefs and consequences of their actions.

This healing adult child has learned that no matter how hard you try to be there for others, and assist them, if they don’t accept your help, if they do not want you to help uplift them, if they are more comfortable in lack mentality, you’re nothing but a nuisance. And worse, in all your efforts, the contrast in you and them will be turned against you.

Perception creates reality. People pleasers, rescuers, and fixers are also enablers. Despite how much we love others, and we ache to assist them in taking better care of themselves, or we wish to inspire them with our positivity, when dealing with an ingrained negative mindset, your efforts will always backfire. Your intentions, when viewed through the lens of someone who sees your efforts as threats to their comfort zone, will result in you being viewed as the negative one amongst them.

Dear One, when you feel the tide turning, stop working against the tide. Accept others faulty perception of you. Then, keep flying!!!

We got this!


All my love,
Lisa A Romano Breakthrough Life Coach

#alcoholism #toxicfamily #peoplepleasing #narcissisticparents #codependency #acoa #traumahealing #selflove #selfawareness #emotionalhealing #spiritualjourney #healingcodependency #consciousness #lisaaromano #codependencyrecovery #mentalhealth #emotionallyimmatureparents #12weekbreakthroughcoachingprogram #alcoholic #iamenough #mindset #familyissues #peoplepleaser #livingabovetheveilofconsciousness #borderlinepersonality #codependent #adultchildrenofalcoholics

4 days ago | [YT] | 796

Lisa A. Romano Breakthrough Life Coach Inc

Childhood trauma is a thief. It robs you of your free will to choose the self as it becomes the foundation of your ego-identity, which is not you.

Dear One, you are enough, but until you spend your time wisely investing on detaching from the subliminal messages childhood trauma creates, such as believing, feeling, thinking and behaving as if you are not good enough, you will spend your time acting out these false beliefs.

Arise, awaken and ascend up and out of the subconscious mind.

You are enough!

Let's breakthrough!

All my love,
Lisa A. Romano Breakthrough Life Coach

JOIN my private Facebook Group here

#boundaries #spiritualjourney #childhoodtraumarecovery #healingjourney #healingtrauma #12weekbreakthroughcoachingprogram

1 week ago | [YT] | 597

Lisa A. Romano Breakthrough Life Coach Inc

Dear One, don't believe what trauma taught you to believe about yourself or your potential. PUSH to breakthrough!
All my love,
Lisa A. Romano Breakthrough Life Coach

#codependency #spiritualjourney #childhoodtrauma #narcissisticparents #emotionalnegect #scapegoatchild

1 week ago | [YT] | 81

Lisa A. Romano Breakthrough Life Coach Inc

✨ *When we've experienced childhood trauma, especially narcissistic abuse, it’s like our emotional and psychological development gets stuck in time.* ✨

We may be adults on the outside, but emotionally, we're still that little child, scared, confused, and desperate for love and safety. The stories the narcissist told us about who we are—*those stories stay lodged in our minds* until we develop the awareness to challenge them.

🔄 Childhood trauma doesn’t just affect our emotions. It holds us back in every area of life—💼 finances, 💔 relationships, 🧠 mental health, and 🌱 spiritual growth. When love is unsafe, the world feels unsafe, and we live in survival mode, constantly bracing ourselves for the worst. It becomes harder to embrace abundance when we've been taught to live in fear and lack.

💡 *Here’s the truth:* Trauma creates what I call an “emotional autoimmune disease.” Instead of honoring our emotions as tools for growth, we deny them, repress them, or feel ashamed of them. We carry this burden for years, sometimes without even knowing why.

But the good news? 🌟 Healing starts when we *challenge the story* we've been living. When we question the lies we’ve been told, we begin to reclaim our power. We learn to set boundaries, trust ourselves, and step into the abundance and love we deserve. 💖

You’re not broken. You’re just living out a story someone else wrote for you. But you have the power to *rewrite that narrative* and live a life of peace, self-respect, and abundance. 🌸

#EmotionalHealing #BreakFree #RewriteYourStory #InnerChildHealing #AbundanceMindset

1 week ago | [YT] | 1,028

Lisa A. Romano Breakthrough Life Coach Inc

Once upon a time, I trusted whatever unchallenged thought entered my mind. If I were angry at you, I believed I had every right to be. If I thought you snubbed me, yep, I believed that too. Oh, and if I had a headache, I swore it was because of some devastating health condition. Pellets of sand became mountains time and time again.

My emotions controlled my awareness like a rag doll chained to a fleeting Cheetah. I had no control over my awareness, what I focused on, or what moved my consciousness. The more emotionally charged the thoughts, the less in control I became, and worse, I believed every word I heard floating around in my head.

But not anymore!

Today, I have turned the corner on self-mastery. I now use hypervigilance properly and organizedly. My aim is to manage my mind effectively and police the thoughts and emotions that surface as if I were mining for gold.

No, narcissists, the media, the external world, other people's opinions, nor my emotions or thoughts control where I flow my sacred focus!

This is me breaking the cycle, shattering paradigms, overcoming generational trauma, and peeling myself off the wheel of unscrutinized causes of cause and effect, refusing to remain a victim of the matrix, and reaching for the good in me, the sacred self.

Trauma keeps us all stuck, and the only way to reach our true potential is by learning how to activate higher brain function. Just remember, the narcissists in the world hope you never figure that out.

Lisa A. Romano Breakthrough Life Coach
Conscious Healing Academy

#TrueSelf #EmpowerYourself #EmotionalAbuseRecovery #LisaARomano #BreakingTheCycle #SpiritualHealing #CodependencyRecovery #EmotionalHealing #InnerHealing #HealingJourney #PersonalGrowth #EmotionalFreedom #TraumaHealing #TraumaRecovery #InnerChildHealing #consciousliving #ConsciousPlanet #consciouscreation #consciousawakening #consciousparenting

1 week ago | [YT] | 712

Lisa A. Romano Breakthrough Life Coach Inc

Once upon a time, I trusted whatever unchallenged thought entered my mind. If I were angry at you, I believed I had every right to be. If I thought you snubbed me, yep, I believed that too. Oh, and if I had a headache, I swore it was because of some devastating health condition. Pellets of sand became mountains time and time again.

My emotions controlled my awareness like a rag doll chained to a fleeting Cheetah. I had no control over my awareness, what I focused on, or what moved my consciousness. The more emotionally charged the thoughts, the less in control I became, and worse, I believed every word I heard floating around in my head.

But not anymore!

Today, I have turned the corner on self-mastery. I now use hypervigilance properly and organizedly. My aim is to manage my mind effectively and police the thoughts and emotions that surface as if I were mining for gold.

No, narcissists, the media, the external world, other people's opinions, nor my emotions or thoughts control where I flow my sacred focus!

This is me breaking the cycle, shattering paradigms, overcoming generational trauma, and peeling myself off the wheel of unscrutinized causes of cause and effect, refusing to remain a victim of the matrix, and reaching for the good in me, the sacred self.

Trauma keeps us all stuck, and the only way to reach our true potential is by learning how to activate higher brain function. Just remember, the narcissists in the world hope you never figure that out.

Lisa A. Romano Breakthrough Life Coach
Conscious Healing Academy

#TrueSelf #EmpowerYourself #EmotionalAbuseRecovery #LisaARomano #BreakingTheCycle #SpiritualHealing #CodependencyRecovery #EmotionalHealing #InnerHealing #HealingJourney #PersonalGrowth #EmotionalFreedom #TraumaHealing #TraumaRecovery #InnerChildHealing #consciousliving #ConsciousPlanet #consciouscreation #consciousawakening #consciousparenting

2 weeks ago | [YT] | 561

Lisa A. Romano Breakthrough Life Coach Inc

Childhood trauma is most definitely a form of spiritual warfare!


Because before you can think in an objective way, your subjective ego has already decided you're not worthy or good enough to expect love, respect, dignity, empathy, compassion, protection, or predictable maternal warmth.

Why does this matter?

Because if you don't work toward making that which is subconscious conscious, (thank you Jung), your subjective, wounded, defensive, reactive ego will operate purely on bias, healthy or unhealthy, backward rationalizing your reality for the entirety of your life.

And when what you don't like, or don't want to experience or see in the world keeps showing up at your door, in conversations, experiences, or in the matrix, your ego will feel justified to feel all the negative things it does...
Why does this matter?

Because living from ego is you turning away from your sacred, unconditionally loving, compassionate, nonresistant Spirit Self.

In this 3D reality, you get to choose what side of the road you think, feel, eat, see, and believe from.

I know I have to manage my mind and egoic impulses in order to experience peace, and equanimity in a world where so many still believe that what they see is happening to them...rather than understanding their co-creative nature.

Children are excluded, as they are the innocents, yet, as adults, unless they elevate their mind from beyond the limits of trauma and ego consciousness, patterns will govern their lives and they will assume it is fate. Again, thank you Jung.

This video drops today at 10:00 am EST

#soulgrowth #spiritualjourney #spiritualawakening #darknightofthesould #egodeath #childhoodtraumrecover #innerchildhealing #innerchildrecovery #lisaaromano #adultchildrenofalcoholics #healingjourney

2 weeks ago | [YT] | 283