Evelyn Joubert - Nature with Eve

Nature with Eve will bring you the special moments offered by "small nature".

When people visit a National Park or a Game Reserve, they always go for the big nature. Big game and big animals, but very few stop to take notice of the small things that nature brings to you. Birds, small reptiles and insects are so easily overlooked.

I have made a habit to sit down quietly, anywhere in my house, garden or in nature, and the action will come to me! Not one day passes without me noticing a beautiful bird building a nest or a small insect on the ground - whether catching prey, collecting nectar or being naughty, you will discover them!

I am hoping to bring the small things to you. Whether you live in an apartment or on a farm, the small is there to be discovered.

Enjoy the "small nature ride" and thank you for showing interest in my channel.

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