"To know that this administration has lied us into two wars that have cost the lives of hundreds of thousands of people... solidifies for me the TRUTH that anything they say, is a lie. Or, everything they say is a lie, is another way of putting it. Everything that this administration says is a lie. If they have an official version of the events of 9/11, it is by definition, a lie. It has to be. Because this is an administration that lies about everything. There're no way to weasel out of that, you can't get out of that. An administration that will lie a country into war... will lie about everything. You don't have to be a genius to figure that out, or to come to that conclusion... There are some very, very brave, intelligent people, and expert people in their fields, who have said, 'No. This [9/11] is a lie.'"
- Mike Malloy, Nova M broadcast, April 28,2008