Hey this is Snooplax. I'm a guy who enjoys making rom hacks and youtube videos in my spare time. I Made the Banjo-Kazooie in mario 64 rom hack and am working on a bunch of custom super smash 64 stages.
186 videos
Mario 64 Rom hacks Commentated
5 videos
Smash Remix With Unintended Characters
43 videos
Banjo-Kazooie Rom Hacks
26 videos
Banjo-Kazooie Rom Hacks Commentated
9 videos
Diddy Kong Racing Hacks
18 videos
Mario Kart 64 Rom Hacks
15 videos
Smash Remix Commentated
4 videos
Paper Mario Rom Hacks
3 videos
Console Compatible Hack Lists
Ocarina Of Time Rom Hacks
78 videos
Smash Hacks
Survey Videos
7 videos
N64 Game Jam
6 videos
Smash With Unintended Characters
8 videos
Mario Party Commentated
10 videos
Banjo-Kazooie Stay at Home Mod
Member Only Videos
23 videos
The Dk Rap But Everyone is?
Banjo-Kazooie Intro Hacks
27 videos
Melee Break The Targets With Unintended Characters
Mario Kart 64 Scaled
Snooplax reviews and lists
Nintendo 64 Controller Videos
Banjo-Kazooie: Mario 64 edition (Developer Commentary)