
Damage Control MMA is dedicated to exposing and promoting the positive and uplifting aspects of the Martial Arts through online MMA training.

The goal is to expose the viewers to a variety of different techniques from various perspectives, to look at the same techniques through different points of view and to expand on a single technique by creating a series of interconnected options. However, our ultimate goals is to provide the viewer with a glimpse at how much fun it can be to simply learn from so many talented and charismatic instructors vs. always having to quantify or qualify their training by fighting.

Brian Yamasaki and Brandon Kiser can be reached at their home gym, Mushin MMA Gym located in North Salt Lake, Utah. They teach regular classes in MMA, Muay Thai and Combat Submission Wrestling.

They are available for group and private lessons, workshops, seminars and fly in camps.

For more information call 801-296-0734.