Hello! I'm Jonny Atma and I remake game music for everyone to enjoy. :)
168 videos
GameCube / Wii / Wii U / Switch GaMetal
226 videos
PC/Playstation/Xbox/Misc GaMetal
59 videos
2024/2025 GaMetal
49 videos
Sega GaMetal
96 videos
Super Smash Bros GaMetal
160 videos
Game Boy / GBA / DS / 3DS GaMetal
26 videos
Mega Man GaMetal
29 videos
Sonic GaMetal
65 videos
Mario GaMetal
33 videos
Kirby GaMetal
43 videos
N64 GaMetal
19 videos
Chill GaMetal
8 videos
Metroid GaMetal
6 videos
Touhou GaMetal
11 videos
F-Zero GaMetal
30 videos
Final Fantasy GaMetal
60 videos
NES GaMetal
14 videos
Zelda GaMetal
Castlevania GaMetal
Medley Shorts
2 videos
Miscellaneous Shorts
45 videos
GaMetal & Friends (Collaborations)
5 videos
La-Mulana GaMetal
31 videos
Lyrical GaMetal
25 videos
Pokémon GaMetal
92 videos
SNES GaMetal
Donkey Kong GaMetal
37 videos
GaMetal Medleys
7 videos
Jonny Atma's Final Fantasy VI Arrangements
Shovel Knight GaMetal