Majeed's Kitchen

Hi ,Thanks for visiting Majeed's Kitchen. This channel is all about Asian cooking ,and more.
If you enjoy trying out new recipes but feel intimidated by cooking, then don’t. I'm here to help .
You will find easy to follow recipes with tips and techniques to ensure your meals are a success.
Culinary school was great but It was out in the field where real tuition began.
Conventions, hotels, restaurants and the oil industry. Feeling stagnated I decided to travel To Japan
where I spent a few months learning about Japanese food and culture.
A year later I let food be the main deciding factor for my next places to visit, Sri Lanka and Thailand
Intricate, attention to detail ,balanced flavors, color and taste…truly amazing,
The souvenirs I have to share with you are the recipes, inspiration and joys from my travel.
It is the taste and smell that takes me back .Its precisely what motivates me to share and
encourage you to cook, the inspiration for my next culinary destination.


Shared 55 years ago



Shared 55 years ago



Shared 55 years ago