Mel Birnkrant spent his entire life creating toys, and his entire earnings collecting them. Here is a secret peek inside his head. These videos, apart from a few "real" toy commercials, were never intended to be seen. Their sole purpose was to pitch the products he invented to potential buyers. Hopefully, these buyers would be major toy companies, but minor ones were all right too!

The most successful of the videos, like "Baby Face", for instance, were shown just one time only, and the executive exclaimed, "I'll take it!" Other concepts, like "It's Alive", and "Baby Go-Go" were peddled to every toy company in Creation, and never sold. The majority of the "products" below are one of a kind, originals, hand made by Mel himself. Over the years, many of these "prototypes" were either destroyed or misplaced. Now only these videos remain.