Karaoke From Space

It's karaoke from the deep reaches of space. Hopefully, you can find a song or two you know! It's possible! I'm basically publishing what I want to sing. If that happens to line up with your musical tastes, that's awesome. Subscribe. Stick around. Please never leave me.

Karaoke From Space

When I'm not doing karaoke, I do...this? Is this what I do?

2 months ago | [YT] | 1

Karaoke From Space

It's Lemmy Caution. Spread the word. youtube.com/@LemmyCautionKaraoke/videos

10 months ago | [YT] | 9

Karaoke From Space

Threw up a surprise R.E.M. karaoke stream last night and received a very enthusiastic crowd watching. Should we do more of that? We should probably do more of that. youtube.com/live/jpjx4ZhYBWQ

1 year ago | [YT] | 6

Karaoke From Space

Hey hey! It's my birthday! With 600 karaoke tracks made, maybe think about sharing the channel with someone who would like it! Maybe even your local KJ. That's it. Have a good one!

1 year ago | [YT] | 13

Karaoke From Space

Happy October! Get read for some spoooooooooooky karaoke tracks! Like Wilco's scarily long SPIDERS!!!! (kidsmoke) Or The Galactic Hero's Bigfoot, which is super short. Or Scary from The Kelley Deal 6000! Or The Sound of Fear from Eels! Or any other song with a spooky title! Enjoy?

2 years ago | [YT] | 6

Karaoke From Space

On a Beulah and Miles Kurosky kick. So. You know. Expect more karaoke tracks from their albums.

2 years ago | [YT] | 5

Karaoke From Space

Hey hey! I have an awful lot of karaoke songs on my YouTube channel.

"I don't know those songs, weirdo. Nobody knows those songs," you say.

I do! And you can too! Because I make curated playlists just for you! Enjoy volume 3 of Songs From Space.


2 years ago | [YT] | 11

Karaoke From Space

Hey folks! Just an update on the live virtual karaoke streams. We're going to start streaming from YouTube.com/diveBarKaraoke again, so make sure to subscribe over there if you want to keep watching the streams! And, as always, join our Discord server if you'd like to sing karaoke with us from your computer or want to learn how to make your own karaoke tracks! discord.gg/divebar

2 years ago | [YT] | 12

Karaoke From Space

Went out for in-person karaoke last night. It was at a dive bar full of regular singing standards. Had a feeling they weren't really going to dig any deep R.E.M., Frank Black, or Beulah tracks. But, hell. I make tracks you don't normally hear and I was going to sing a song you don't normally hear. Drinks were $4 a pop, which is wildly low, so I went with a crowd pleaser they didn't know. Good old ‪@reid_paley‬ with Stay Awhile. The KJ hooked his phone up to the speakers and balanced his phone on his head so I could read the lyrics. For a song that wasn't Piano Man, it did alright. The night was fun and the company was good.

Anyway, if you want to sing online virtual karaoke with the diveBar crew, remember to check out our Discord at discord.gg/divebar to get involved.

And listen to Reid Paley, damn it.

2 years ago | [YT] | 6