Want to upgrade your life fast? We make videos to help you learn "Insider Secrets" from the world's best non-fiction books -- relationships, health, productivity, habits, persuasion, communication, and more. Learning in life is everything, so we want to get you what you need to know to live a better life in a way that's simple, short and actionable.

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Insider School

Hey Insiders, I really enjoyed reading the book Effortless this year. A book about how you can make the essential things in life feel easier, effortless, and even fun.

Here are my top 4 lessons from the book that you can use in your life starting today...

3 years ago | [YT] | 0

Insider School

I first read the Power of Now when I was 17 years old. And it was weirdly one of the most impactful books I’ve ever read.

So, I want to share with you the 3 most mind-blowing lessons I learned from this book.

3 years ago | [YT] | 0

Insider School

One of my favorite books I’ve read this year is The Road Less Stupid by Keith Cunningham, a business book for everyone who wants to learn the principles and strategies of making great decisions and minimizing risk.

Let’s go through the top 4 takeaways I got from this book…

3 years ago | [YT] | 0

Insider School

How can you make sure that you spend your time on what matters, instead of wasting it on pointless things?

Most of us, tend to get super busy, but get little done everyday.

So I wondered, how can we break out of shallow work, and get into deep work, so we can get more done on what really matters in less time?

Here's a powerful solution I found from the book Deep Work by Cal Newport...

3 years ago | [YT] | 0

Insider School

Here’s something that blows my mind.

Every year, there are four big professional tennis tournaments — called Grand Slams.

128 players make it into each of these tournaments.
And out of the last 73 Grand Slams that have happened, three players have won 60 of them.

Think about that. 1,927 professional players. 128 of them make it into these tournaments. 3 of them has won 82% of them in the last 18 years.

How could just a few players dominate a sport to such an extreme?
And how could you use this understanding to perform better in life?

I made this video for you to help explain.

3 years ago | [YT] | 1

Insider School

Once we’ve formed a belief about something, it becomes almost impossible to free ourselves of its grips.

I’ve thought about this a lot because so much of what’s put out there by others, is causing so much division in today’s world.

And not even division in society…
But division among our family, our friends, our significant other.

My last girlfriend for example spent so much energy trying to change my opinions on certain issues.

Not because I had an opposite point of view as her. But because I chose not to have a strong point of view, one way or another.

So I wanted to know, what can we do about this?

Here are 4 Tips to Better Understand People and Live Lives of More Unity and Harmony.

3 years ago | [YT] | 0

Insider School

Have you ever looked at grandma, and thought to yourself, “Wow, she’s really aged since last time I saw her.”

I thought that when I saw my grandma the other night. And we all feel an inherent need to avoid aging. We want to stay young.

And we all accept aging as a fact of life. There’s nothing we can do about it. “That’s just the way it is.”

But why do we really age? And, is there something we could do about it?

In this video, I'll share with you 8 Tips to Live Longer and Healthier from the book Lifespan.

3 years ago | [YT] | 0

Insider School

How can you create your dream relationship?…

Maybe you’re in a relationship and it doesn’t have the same spark it used to…

Maybe you’d like to be in one — and make sure you’re being intentional about making it amazing…

In this video, I’ll share with you three exercises you can use to keep the spark alive in a relationship, taken from the book Getting The Love You Want.

3 years ago | [YT] | 0

Insider School

Hey, do you ever find yourself falling into the same traps in your work, or relationships?...

Or like you're not making the progress you want in life?

I made a video for you this week on how to 10X your chances for success. [HINT: It's all about creating your own personalized "playbook" for success].

Take a look, and let me know what you think.

3 years ago | [YT] | 0

Insider School

I've been thinking how frustrating it could be when you don't agree with someone.

And I once heard that it’s not as important to know what someone believes, but to know how they came to that belief.

Because to get someone to see something in a new way, you need to know what's really behind what they say and do.

Here's a little video I made for you with *_ 3 questions you can ask to uncover someone’s deepest beliefs._*

Whether you want to be more persuasive in business or personal life, this is for you.

3 years ago | [YT] | 0